Welcome to the DR. MIYU online store website. Please take a moment to review the following terms and conditions, which apply to all distributors and members of DR. MIYU. Your use of www.drmiyu.com signifies your agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please refrain from using our website.


To fortify and promote the sustainable growth of our valued business distributors and to safeguard the impeccable reputation of DRMIYU SDN BHD (“The Company”) and its products, we have outlined the following terms and conditions, which you, as a distributor for The Company, hereby agree to:


1) Distributors who violated the promise and were reported for selling products with unreasonable prices, The Company will take legal action if the evidence is conclusive; and/or


2) Distributors shall not, in the name of The Company or individuals, make any unconfirmed statements about The Company’s policies, product quality, management models, etc. that may damage The Company’s reputation; and/or


3) Distributors are strictly prohibited from selling replica or counterfeit products; and/or


4) Distributors poaching or price dumping that may jeopardize The Company’s price structure is strictly prohibited; and/or


5) Distributors are strictly prohibited to sell The Company’s products at low prices on third-party platforms without The Company’s approval; and/or


6) Distributors who pretend to be another person’s authorised distributors which induced a third-party dealing is liable to compensate any loss or damage incurred a third-party dealing is liable to compensate any loss or damage incurred by that pretence;


7) Members are not permitted to engage in product sales or recruitment activities with individuals who are not part of their direct or indirect network. This includes contacting individuals who were not personally introduced by them or their downline and attempting to introduce these individuals to another company or organization.Members are not permitted to engage in product sales or recruitment activities with individuals who are not part of their direct or indirect network. This includes contacting individuals who were not personally introduced by them or their downline and attempting to introduce these individuals to another company or organization.

Any member found to be engaging in such unauthorised contact or violating this rule may face disciplinary actions by the company, including but not limited to forfeiture of commissions, termination of membership, or legal action.


8) In the event that distributor violates the aforementioned regulations, upon verification, the company shall promptly terminate its cooperation with the distributor, revoke the distributorship and membership, and withhold any accrued bonuses and/or commissions, and the distributor shall be required to provide compensation to the company in the range of RM20,000.00 to RM30,000.00. Furthermore, should such a violation result in a substantial reputational impact on the company or its employees, the distributor shall be required to provide compensation to the company in the range of RM30,000.00 to RM50,000.00. The company reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings in such cases. It is important to note that the ultimate authority for interpreting these provisions rests with our company.



  1. All products can be purchased directly from the Company or by way of online purchase.
  2. Proprietary rights to the product will only pass from the Company to the customer upon the Company’s receipt of full payment by the distributor and acceptance of the purchase order by the Company.
  3. The Company will accept orders:
  4. a) Through DR.MIYU online purchase system or
  5. b) In person at the company office/warehouse.

Important: Always insists on getting your distributor Tax Invoice whenever you make any purchase.

  1. Do not send cash. If a distributor chooses to do so, he/she will do so at his/her own risk as the Company cannot guarantee any receipt of payment.
  2. Payment may be made by:
  3. a) Cash (if the purchase is made at the Office). No cheque payment is accepted;
  4. b) Online Transfer (GIRO); or
  5. c) Credit Card (Visa / MasterCard / Debit Card).
  6. Deposit of funds can be made to the following bank account:


Banker : Public Bank Berhad

Account Name : DRMIYU SDN. BHD.

Account Number : 3221179522


  1. All back orders must be collected personally at warehouse. Proof of purchase must be produced when claiming back-orders.


Delivery Orders:

  1. A) All online orders received from Monday to Friday before 12:00 midnight will be processed on the next working day and will be delivered within 3 to 7 working days except outskirt areas. Orders will not be sent or delivered to a P.O. Box address.
  2. B) The Company shall attempt a maximum number of two (2) deliveries to your address per order and in the event, you or your representative are unable or shall fail to receive the parcel at both attempts, the parcel shall be returned to the Company Warehouse. Any redelivery attempts thereafter or change of delivery address shall incur a reshipment fee to be paid by the distributor before the said redelivery attempt.


All parcels returned to the warehouse shall be retained for a maximum duration of three (3) months from the date of the purchase order. Any parcels not claimed or retrieved after the expiry of three (3) months are deemed to be forfeited.


The Company reserves the right to revise the shipping and handling charges from time to time.

  1. Distributor shall check on the Tax Invoice/Delivery Order when an order is received.
  2. If an item is missing or dented from an order and there is not back order, please email or contact/call the Customer Service Department within 14 working days.
  3. All distributors should check their order or goods are correctly stated in the Tax Invoice/Delivery Order and are in order BEFORE leaving the Warehouse and notify the Customer Service Department of any missing items.
  4. Upon receipt of an order according to the Tax Invoice/Delivery Order details, the distributor must sign on the Tax Invoice/Delivery Order to acknowledge full receipt. The Company will not be responsible for any discrepancy claims made after the distributor has left the Warehouse.
  5. All payments or deposits paid by distributors and products leaving the company are strictly non-refundable.


Any requirement to return any product(s) and/or sales aid to the Corporate Office, please contact the Customer Service Department before returning the goods.


I hereby agree and consent:-